
학생 중심의 교육 여정 최적화

코그너티브 커뮤니케이션 및 퍼베이시브 연결성으로 학생 중심의 환경을 통해 교육 경험 향상

고객 혜택

교육 경로 최적화

Student Centric Services and Campus Safety

지원 문서

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관련 상품

당사 블로그 방문

a child putting his arms around the neck of a man who is checking his smartphone
Autonomous Network

Analytics email to my father

Schools can use analytics to drive student success and retention

library room with students sitting and studying

Decoding the trends and challenges of Wi-Fi on campus

Robust, reliable Wi-Fi across your campus is needed to provide a new world of personalized learning

Optimize the education journey for students’ success

Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow™ for Education provides richcommunications to all teachers, administrators and staff, enablinga continuous dialogue between students and parents as well as theoverall ecosystem.

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